Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tornado warnings are kind of like WWII air raids

I've lived in Tornado Alley for about 2/3 of my life. I think because Alabama is not Kansas, many people don't realize that North Alabama is right smack in Tornado Alley and gets those suckers right and left. Spring is peak tornado season, and you start recognizing warning signs: greenish-gray sky, unnatural clamminess in the air (although, Alabama- and Tennessee- are naturally quite humid places, so clamminess is sort of par for the course), squirrely-ness in all the critters, in my Tennessee town there's also an increased inability of the local inhabitants to normally and safely maneuver their vehicles...

Anyway, I take tornadoes very seriously. A super massive F-4 tornado all but destroyed my college campus in 2008, and I was most definitely present when it did so. I don't mess around when those sirens go off. Much like WWII air raids, those of us who have a healthy level of respect for funnel clouds realize the following:

1. You really should seek shelter immediately. Not even kidding. You should also know that the sirens will keep going on and on and on- no matter how much stress it causes you.
2. You must put on shoes. I have a story about that...
3. Pack a bag of essentials that you would need if something happened to your house (i.d., money, valuables, cell phone AND charger...have stories about those things, too)
4. It is quite terrifying to be sitting around and wondering if your house is about to be smashed to bits at any moment.
5. Have chapstick on your person. Otherwise, you might be reaching for it for the rest of the night- only to be constantly reminded that you lost it. Along with everything else.

We've had 4 tornado warnings in the past week. One of them had roommate and me sleeping in our hallway for half of the night...it's messing with my blood pressure, y'all.

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