Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bathroom humor

Every single time that I enter a bathroom in America, I am struck with the differences between using the bathroom facilities in Ukraine and using the bathroom facilities in the States. I just can't help but laugh! First of all, I keep trying to turn the light on from the outside of the bathroom; in Ukraine, the light switches are almost always on the outside of the door. Sounds crazy at first, but it actually makes a lot of sense: you turn the light on before you enter the room. The down side is that jokers can turn the light off on you while you are taking care of things.

Secondly, general bathroom upkeep in public bathrooms is vastly different. Remarkably so.

Thirdly, you never have to pay to use public bathrooms in the States. Public restrooms in Ukraine (Europe in general, really) require a small fee. This usually causes the American user to scratch his or her head, given the general upkeep (or lack thereof) that he or she may encounter. This cost also covers the toilet paper to be used. I learned very early on that it is most prudent to carry tissues/toilet paper with me everywhere. Most stalls have nothing in them. It is zero fun to find yourself using kind of toilet AND have no toilet paper. Oi.

Fourthly: the toilets themselves. That's right- most public restrooms in Ukraine are not western-style (sit-on-able) toilets but rather what many call "squatty potties." I'll leave the rest to your imaginations.

All that to say, just using public restrooms is an adventure in itself!

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