Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fill 'er up!

I've been thinking recently about the things that I am filling up more often now and the things I'm not filling up as much any more. What am I talking about, you may ask?

*Since I'm no longer taking public transportation, I'm now filling up the car with gasoline on a regular basis. Did NOT miss that...

*I'm NOT constantly filling up my wallet with cash. I'm back in the land of debit cards, so my stash of on-hand cash is considerably less. I sort of liked paying for everything in cash because you could always see what you were spending. However, I don't love having lots of it on me. I feel like the target painted on me is much smaller.

*I'm filling up my piggy bank with coins once again. I really love to fill my piggy bank up with loose change throughout the year, roll the coins at Christmas, and deposit all of that at the end of the year. There wasn't so much of that going on in Ukraine, and I really missed it. I was always scraping up the tiny coins to pay bus fares with...and getting dirty looks from the money collectors.

*I'm filling up my laundry basket more frequently. In Ukraine, doing laundry took much, much longer, so I'd wear clothes a lot longer than you'd ever want to know between washes. Here, the laundry takes so much less time, and I can dry them in a dryer! I really missed having a dryer, I'm realizing.

*Remarkably, I'm STILL filling up suitcases, seeing as how I'm about to make another major move. I've been kind of living in and out of suitcases. I'm sort of ready to retire them for a while.

*I'm not filling up my head with more Russian words, but I am practicing them in my head so as not to lose what I have.

I'm sure I'll think of more. Maybe I should have titled this with a "Part 1" caveat...

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