Tuesday, July 6, 2010

TB tests

Today, I had my third TB test in a 2-year span. First of all, I HATE TB tests. They kind of unnerve me with the weird bubble that shows up. Secondly, I've read too many old books about "consumption" not to feel weird about tuberculosis. As soon as I think about it, I start feeling a cough coming on...

The first two of my three skin tests were because the company I worked for required them. Today's TB test was because of these cute little ones:

Along with the Rowlands, David, Nathan, Mindy, Amiee, Mom, and Kat, I worked for many weeks with the kids that stayed at a children's hospital for kids recovering for tuberculosis. None of the children we worked with directly were seriously ill with TB and some of them didn't have the disease at all. However, because there were plenty of kids in and out of there who had carried the disease, all of us were exposed. Ergo, the third TB test.

Despite how much I hate TB tests, I'm so glad and thankful that I've had the experiences that required the tests. :)

1 comment:

bo said...

Needles = Bad
Cute kids = Good

Glad you have a good reason for a bad thing ;)