Monday, October 18, 2010


Who would have thought I'd ever say that? Goodness, not me. Anyone remember this? Or this? Or maybe this? It wasn't always my favorite thing.

Yesterday, though, I decided that I mostly definitely miss some things. Namely, I miss trains. I really like the convenience of train transportation. There are, of course, downsides to taking trains:
1. You're limited on what kind/amount of luggage you can take.
2. You are set on a time table, whether or not you like it.
3. You're on the train with lots of people- much like an airplane.
4. If you get motion sick, you're really going to want to avoid the backwards-facing seats.

Despite these negatives, the great, shining positive is that you don't have to be responsible for cross-country trekking. Don't ever minimize the value of not having that responsibility...

I spent part of my Fall Break in St. Louis, visiting my dear friend, Kat (some of you may remember her epic-like visit to Ukraine last year, including a little train-jumping that went down). We had a great weekend of good food, farmer's market, hanging out at the fire pit, building a fort, and enjoying the Botanical Gardens. It was GREAT fun! The tricky part came when I was navigating and driving myself back to Jackson.

I'm really and truly not bad with directions. I'm very good at following directions and at driving, but I have very dreadful night vision. On the way back to Jackson yesterday, I was doing great on navigating until I got back into West Tennessee. That's when the darkness set in, and my ability to see went away with the sun. Y'all- please note that when it is said that West Tennessee is "rural", that statement is to be taken most literally. There is NOTHING out there! If you, for example, miss your exit, there are no lights or signs to let you know where you are or where you're going. If this is the case, you may find yourself driving north into Kentucky instead of southeast into Jackson.

Good grief. I miss trains.

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