Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The run-down

Since the last time I wrote, my student’s mother passed away. She sent me an email at 6:38 that morning to let me know. Surprisingly, she still attended her classes all day. The memorial service for her mother isn’t for another couple of weeks, so she is still here at UU until then. It’s been very encouraging to see the Union community come together and encourage her. In one of her classes, the professor canceled class that day and took all the students to the on-campus coffee shop for coffee. My student also had a class where the professor contacted all of the students and arranged for everyone to wear pink to class in honor of my student’s mother (who died as a result of breast cancer). Our Keystone students have been great at rallying around here and offering support, as well. In some ways, it’s almost better that she’s still here on campus right now, receiving that love and attention.

In other news:

-I’m going to see “Wicked” this weekend in Memphis! Yay, Brad.

-My friend, Molly, is getting married in less than 2 months, and I LOVE the bridesmaid’s dress for the wedding.

-I got to watch Tuesdae come in 2nd place at the Cross Country conference race this past weekend. Go, Tuesdae!

-I facilitated class for my students this morning (at 8:00- they are SO not awake at that time of day), and no one boo-ed or threw tomatoes.

-We were under a tornado watch all morning (um, I REALLY don’t handle tornadoes very well any more), and the electricity went off 7 times, killing my computer to the point where it didn’t cooperate for an hour.

-I get a haircut today, which will revolutionize my life.

-Last night, at JCrib (the urban ministry that I’m volunteering with), I was responsible for the kitchen and for dinner. I was so afraid that I was going to poison them accidentally (I’ve never cooked in that massive quantity before), but it went so well.

I know that everyone wanted to know all of those tiny details. I should have taken the time to develop each into an interesting anecdote. That’s really what most of my posts are: tiny details from life that I hyperbolize to within an inch of their lives. Maybe I’ll go back and do that sometime soon…

Here’s a “Mad Gab” that I used in my class this morning (Mad Gab is a game wherein you read a series of words that don’t make sense together, but when read aloud, they sound like other common phrases): Half Ahab Bee Two Stay. Anyone get it?


Mindy said...

Have a happy Tuesday!

bo said...

Have a Happy Tuesday!! And well done on your first foray into cooking in mass quantities.

Karen Tidwell said...

I do except now it is Wednesday! I won't say it in case this is a contest like the one you had in Ukraine for that pork fat stuff (can't remember exactly what it was called). Have you seen Wicked before? You will really love it. I saw it in Birmingham with the Dyes-- Amiee and your dad were there too. I can't remember the name of the main character right now but I thought she could really use some biblical counseling.

Jaclyn.... said...

your little mad gab reminded me of our mad gab game at AGM! fun times!

Peggy said...

My mom passed away 2 weeks before finals during my sophomore year of college and people were surprised that I finished the semester out. For me, and maybe for your student, I wanted to keep busy so school was a nice diversion. It also kept me around friends, rather than bumming out alone at home. Soooo that to say, I totally get it.