Sunday, July 11, 2010


I have a vivid memory of one of my first few weeks in Ukraine, wherein I balked at a Ukrainian medical belief. I was walking with a new friend, and it was rather blustery outside. I had slept funny on my mattress the night before and had a sore back, which I was occasionally wincing about and rubbing. My friend noticed and asked me what was wrong. I told her that my back was sore from sleeping funny. She informed me that it was more likely that I had accidentally stood in a draft and that the wind had cut through and torn my muscle.

I tried not to laugh out loud.

Following that first exposure, I learned that this was a common belief: drafts, air conditioners, and fans blowing directly at you are considered to be a threat to your health. Any illness you get during the winter can probably be traced to a draft/(perceived) inadequate clothing for the elements. I always sort of rolled my eyes at this.

Until I got home.

I'm not sure if I've just adapted to Ukrainian thinking or what, but all the air conditioners here in the deep South are causing me to wear jeans everywhere, AND I've had a cold-turned-sinus-infection ever since I got home. I shiver in our living room and sleep under a pile of blankets at night.

So the question is, just how crazy is that Ukrainian theory?

1 comment:

bo said...

I think that your sinus infection is the result of your mattress being too soft. Yes, my friend, there is definitely a correlation between the level of comforts around you and your own physical comfort. If you will go back to a lumpy bed you will be all better soon! :)