Thursday, March 17, 2011

T, 20-something hours...

I don't know exactly. I don't like math.

But, the point isn't the math, anyway; we leave for Ukraine tomorrow! I've been running around, taking care of details for the trip (like my least favorite one: banking) and trying to tie up loose ends (which reminds me- I need to set up my out-of-office message). that I'm thinking about it, maybe math IS the point (right, Breanne?). Here's a little math for you:

21 = number of school newspapers we're taking to share with Ukrainian students

16 = number of sets of spelling tiles we're taking with us

9 = number of Unionites headed over the Atlantic

8 = number of days we'll be gone

7 = number of checked bags the Unionites are planning on taking

4 = number of days we'll be leading classes in the universities

3 = number of Soularium sets to be used during evening event #3 (thanks for the idea, Matt!)

2 = number of kittens that will be sad and lonely at our house while I'm in Ukraine and MEV is off frolicking with her family

1 = number of Union University president-look-alike bobble heads that will be traveling to Ukraine to have his picture taken (you read that right)

There's much more to tell about how this trip has been coming together, but that should get you started. We've got some fun plans for our evening events (at least, I think they'll be fun). Hopefully, I'll get a little blogging in tomorrow before we head off to the airport. All of you who are of the praying persuasion, please pray for my plane-xiety to calm down. It's in full swing...

1 comment:

bo said...

I've got you covered - and I like your math! :)