Saturday, August 7, 2010

The cereal aisle: my personal Everest

Last weekend, I went to Kroger. I needed a few food items, and hello, I have a Kroger card. I've been into a grocery store or two since I've been back in the States, but I wasn't the one having to make a decision about what needed to be purchased.

This time, however, I had a list of items I was looking for, and cereal was one of them. I made my way to the cereal aisle, and once there, I stood stock still. Staring.

I couldn't function normally at that point; there were so many choices! My choice selection has been greatly limited over the past 2 years, so the overwhelming vastness of the choice paralyzed me. I literally just stood there. For SEVERAL minutes. My mom called while I was there and after finding out that I was just standing and staring- incapable of making a decision- talked me through the process. Once we narrowed down what kind of cereal to get, we had to narrow down the brand and price. I felt so helpless.

I think I felt like a foreigner.

I haven't been back to Kroger since.


Nathan said...

I actually don't eat cereal on a normal basis, so I don't think I'll experience this, but I have tried to steer clear of stores. Tax free weekend = no shopping while experiencing reverse culture shock!

bo said...

This seems like a good excuse to just eat donuts for breakfast :)

Jennifer said...

Wanna here something funny? I was in Kroger tonight and thought to myself how the selection wasn't all that good. We Americans are pretty spoiled aren't we. :)

susan said...

oh my goodness....this so happened to me to!!!