Sunday, August 29, 2010

Where ARE the light switches, y'all?

In Ukraine (and the rest of Europe, for that matter), light switches are located OUTSIDE of the room. This seems so super weird at first, given that we, as Americans, have been programed to reach inside of a doorway. However, it really makes a lot of sense. Think about all the movies in this world where people go into a dark house/room and are attacked/surprised by intruders because the light wasn't on. Not so smart. With the light outside of the door, you can see when you enter. It does set you up for disaster if you're surrounded by jokers who like to turn the lights off while you're showering...

Anyway, I have had a major issue recently with smacking walls with the aim of turning on lights. I've done it to my bathroom at least a gazillion times. It just makes so much sense to me now. Why is it, exactly, that we don't put them outside of rooms?


Jaclyn.... said...

Oh, girl! I KNOW!!!

Nathan said...

It's true in Asia too. To make it worse, my bathroom here has a light switch outside the door for the hall light. I turn it on 78% of the time when going into the darkened bathroom...