Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm always packing

Not ammunition. No worries.

I am, however, always packing a suitcase, it seems. Since I've been back, I've re-packed suitcases at least 6 different times. That's excessive, I think. Right now, in the midst of moving into my new places (which I will hopefully have pictures of soon), I have about 4 or 5 suitcases in the house, as well as a couple with me at my current location with my friend, Karen. I figured that since suitcases are kind of my life, I might as well use them instead of boxes.

As much as I love all the experiences I've had/am getting, I'm extremely tired of packing and unpacking. I think I'm turning into a wannabe homebody. How is that for readjusting to my home culture?


Jaclyn.... said...

Boo to packing! It's in my list of things I hate the most in life!
Hope you get packed and moved as painlessly as possible :)

bo said...

The packing isn't so bad - it's the unpacking!