Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Could you slow down and repeat that, pazhalsta?

One of my greatest frustrations in Ukraine- regarding language learning, that is- was when people would talk at full speed and without enunciating. It usually annoys them when you have to ask them to slow down or repeat. I found that often they wouldn't actually slow down so much as get louder (and Russian tends to sound a little louder than usual anyway). That's frustrating, friends. And makes you feel like an idiot.

Well, at my new job I interact with several international students regularly. It's fun, and I feel a connection with them. However, it kills me when I watch other people interact with the international students and treat them like I was often treated; not necessarily in a mean way but in an I'm-not-sensitive-to-your-needs kind of way. I understand that when you live in the States you should speak English. That being said, it's not required that you speak like a native immediately, and it's totally ok for people to speak a little more clearly for you and respond patiently.

Life lesson learned in Ukraine: be kind to internationals. They may be trying as hard as they can- whether you think so or not.


Nathan said...


Jaclyn.... said...

I totally agree. I'm teaching a little English to internationals on a university campus...I get real sad when I have to grade their papers. :(