Thursday, September 23, 2010

Remember how I like my job?

I still like it...however, I've decided that Thursdays might be the death of me! I have 20-minute, individual meetings with students literally all day. About 20 of those meetings. While I love that part of my job, it's really draining to go through the same set of questions, prescribe similar-yet-slightly-different solutions, explain how those solutions work (over and over and over again) while maintaining a this-is-the-first-time-I've-said-this-today demeanor. It's like teaching/being in the classroom only with one person at a time and many more times per day. Oi!

I've already perfected a few schpeils (sp?) for some of the speeches I give multiple times a day. Here are a few of the topics I am now proficient at addressing:
1. how to increase the hourage of sleep acquired
2. how not to do dumb things (like not sleep for 3 days) that lead to getting sick
3. how to use the FREE tutoring service
4. what study habits ARE
5. how to go to the FREE tutoring service and let them show you how your "study habits" are totally ineffective
6. how chapel credits work
7. what comma splices are
8. how college is different from high school (you'd be horrified at how necessary this particular discussion is)
9. how grades below a 75 are D's at our university and no, you shouldn't be proud of those scores
10. Yes, you have to use capital letters for proper nouns.

Again...oi to Thursdays.


bo said...

So, can you explain the comma splice to me? In looking over my blog entries, I'm afraid I may be a culprit as well!

Jaclyn.... said...

How not to hate your job on Thursdays:

1. Drink lots of liquids so that you're not parched from all your schpeils (sp?)
2. Read a short comic strip in between students.....or 30 seconds of Gilmore Girls.
3. Tomorrow is Friday!
4. To be continued.......

:) :) :)

Peggy said...

11. Yes, you should go to class even on days when there isn't a test.
12. Buddy up with your instructor without pissing off your classmates as "teacher's pet."
13. Pay your tuition on time so you don't get dropped and unable to get the classes you need.
14. EARLY frickin' register. Or, alternatively, if you don't and then can't get your classes, don't come to my office griping about how the classes are all full.
15. Yes, you have to take math.

Despite how this sounds, I love my job. :)