Sunday, February 13, 2011

This is only funny now

I know I've written about the cats a lot recently. Sorry about that. They are really funny little things and provide a lot of entertainment. I just wish you could all cuddle with them (unless, of course, you're one of those cat-haters who would hurt them); they're so sweet.

Yesterday, though, we sort of duked it out, the cats and I. MEV is out of town this weekend, so it was just Puma, Paisley, and me. Because of the snow days/delays/early dismissals this week, the cats have become very accustomed to having us around. They get very excited about seeing us, and if we don't come out of our rooms before 7:00 am, they get really into pawing at our bedroom doors and meowing. I think they're afraid we died.

I didn't get to bed until 1:00 am yesterday morning and was planning on sleeping late. The kitties had different ideas. When they started attacking the door, I decided to shut them in the guest room for a while. Don't you know, those cats found a way to open the door! About 15 minutes later, they were back at my door, meowing. When I opened to the door to put them back in the guest room, they jetted in at lightening speed (and please remember that I was in a half-asleep stupor), and I had to run all over my room (diving under the bed, chasing through the closet, and shooing from out of the shower) to get them both and throw them back out. Unfortunately, at this point, I was a little too awake to fall easily back to sleep. I gave it a good try, though. (I failed...)

So, I just went ahead, got up, got ready, etc. By the time I had showered and dried my hair, they were incessantly attacking my bedroom door, so I caved and let them in. I know...I'm a sucker. Anyway, they followed me into my bathroom and found all manner of fun things to do. They REALLY wanted to get into the toilet and play (GROSS!) and were extremely frustrated that I insisted on keeping the toilet lid shut. Next, they discovered the joys of licking up excess water from the shower. Again, gross. Well, Puma decided that she wasn't content enough with leftover shower water and just really needed to play in the toilet. I wasn't playing along, so to get my attention, she climbed halfway up my BARE leg! I kicked them out again at that point. Seriously??

Anyway, I continued with getting ready and then headed into the kitchen for breakfast. Overnight, the cats had learned to jump onto the counters. They have heretofore flirted with the idea of the counters but had not yet made the leap, so to to speak. Of course, I had to thwack their noses, so that they'd know the counters are off limits. This garnered a LOT of hissing. And then (me) chasing (them). I then had to spend the rest of the morning chasing/thwacking/etc. Oh man...they wore me out. None of this was funny at the time, but as I replay it in my head, all three of us sort of look like cartoon characters. My character has those legs that spin and spin in the air but never get anywhere.

Last night, I totally shut them up in the guest room. Boo-yah, cats.

1 comment:

Jaclyn.... said...

I hate to be a cat-hater, but well, I just prefer dogs. :) Cats are so weird! I'm glad you made it out alive. :)