Monday, February 28, 2011

Where ARE the high heels?

Ok, technically, I started this post several days ago. In between writing the title above and finishing this post below, we had a line of tornadoes streak through Jackson, and I spent the weekend attending a family funeral (which was in no way related to the tornado). It's been an eventful few days. (I say all of that to make sure that no one rags me about being so remiss in blogging...although I realize that even with starting this 4 days ago, I was already behind. That's neither here nor there, though, really. Right?)

Anyway, here's a cultural readjustment I'm STILL working on: what university students will wear to class. I mean, sometimes, it's really revolting. For clarification purposes, I did wear the occasional t-shirt to class whilst a student. Once I got into more of my education (as in, the field of, not like "I'm getting a college education") classes, I didn't really wear too many t-shirts. There were just too many opportunities to need to look professional (or at least semi-professional).

In Ukraine, girls just do not dress down. Like, almost never. Typicall go-to-class clothing includes high heels, full make up, coiffed hair, jewelry, and a shiny/sparkly/faux leather purse. No self-respecting girl would dare show up in anything less. Even in my "professional" clothes, I felt extremely underdressed most of the time.

Now that I'm back in the States, I'm starting to understand why Ukrainian students think that all Americans are either athletic or lazy; the way some people dress is starting to make ME think that! I always felt very insulted by those insinuations. Now, I just feel ever-so-slightly judgmental (I'm working on that part...). Here are a few of my least favorites:

1. Pajamas to class. Seriously? You can't take the time to at least put on jeans? If you're wearing pajama pants because they're so much more comfy, might I suggest investing in a different type of jean? I mean, if your jeans are just too uncomfortable to put on, you might want to reconsider how you're spending your money.

2. Sweatpants/track pants. I get it, if you're taking your P.E. class and don't have time to run and change/don't want to carry a bag of clothes around. I mean, I'm all about being efficient. However, if the excuse is the same as the one about sweatpants, I offer my same suggestion. If the excuse is because sweat/track pants are warmer, I have lots of helpful hints on how to dress warmly. No really- I've got skills in that department.

3. Gym shorts (clearing throat...the Nike shorts that are everywhere in all colors). If you're on your way the gym, good for you. Wear those shorts proudly. However, if it's 50 degrees outside and you're wearing them because they're the stuff, let me encourage you to reconsider your priorities. The outdoors is very often inhospitable (especially in February), and wearing shorts to class is just ridiculous.

4. Leggings worn as pants. Publice Service Announcement: Leggings are not the same as pants. Please put on real pants.

5. Hats worn indoors. It's just common courtesy, folks: take off the hats, gentlemen. If your hair is too bad to be seen, get up that 5 minutes earlier and wash it. It's not like you're a woman who needs a good 30 minutes. Let's be realistic.

Anyway, these are just some thoughts that have been assaulting my mind this school year. A university campus is just a funny place to observe culture...I just wish some students would cover up a little more thoroughly so that I'm not observing ALL of them...


Kat said...

The perfect solution for your students who want to look sharp yet still be comfortable:

I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself ;)

bo said...

SO true. Especially number four. I think it should be on billboards everywhere.