Saturday, February 12, 2011

Update on the "resolutions"

Remember this list? Well, since I posted it for accountability purposes, here's a little update:

1. Get married.
This one won't be done until June, so I'm not behind on that yet.
2. Read a book per month.
January: I, Isaac, Take You, Rebekah, February: More Letters from Pemberley. Check.
3. Write a post per month on my Ukrainian stories blog.
I sort of cheated for January and reposted a previous story... For February, do you think I should write about the side-of-the-road bathroom story or the stall-door-doesn't-cover-the-important-things story? Cast your vote.
4. Use my sewing machine more.
I haven't used my machine so far, but I've stitched up two shirts that were sporting impressive holes/tears.
5. Sort through memorabilia and scrapbook more.
I've sorted through a stack of senior year (college) stuff and scrapbooked 2.5 pages.
6. Write more cards and letters.
I wrote one to Kat. :)
7. Rent and watch the movies on my list.
Brad and I watched Red tonight. I might rent another one in the next week.
8. Order something different at Mexican restaurants.
Hm...well, we tried a new Mexican place tonight. Does that count? Last week, I ordered nachos and Mom ordered grilled vegetables, and the order got mixed up...I ended up with grilled vegetables on my nachos. They were good, too!
9. Finish a big puzzle.
Not yet...
10. Make a new friend.
I'm not sure I've made a brand new friend, but I've been getting to know acquaintances better. I think that counts.
11. Finish the project for my parents.
Slowly chipping away...

I mean, I can see progress. I'm hoping to get a jump on a couple other things. Oh! And here's a new goal: get all my ducks in a row for the trip to Ukraine! This includes finishing lesson plans, evening activity plans, gifts for friends, and training times for the team. So tired just thinking about it...sigh...just kidding! It'll be grand.

I LOVE checking things off my list! Woohoo!

1 comment:

bo said...

I vote for story two to be your next narrative post. I've been there and want to laugh with you :)