Sunday, January 16, 2011

Resolutions...sort of...

I felt a compulsive-ish need to create resolutions for this year. I don't usually do real resolutions, but I always want to make New Year's resolutions. I've read many a blog wherein the bloggers do something along the lines of "110 in 2010" or, as is the case this year, "111 in 2011." The general idea is to create a list of 111 things you want to do during the year. They don't have to be lifestyle changes or anything; they can be things like "go see a real play" or "read such-and-such book that's been on my list." I was super excited about doing that last year, but it went absolutely nowhere.

SO, I decided to modify the idea for this year: 11 in 2011. That seems MUCH more manageable. Here goes:
1. Get married. That's right. I chose that as my #1.
2. Read a book per month. Although reading is my absolute favorite, and I majored in reading (for all practical purposes), I usually have very little time for it.
3. Write a post a month on my stories-from-my-time-in-Ukraine blog. There are so many stories swirling around in my head, and I HAVE to write them down before I forget them all.
4. Use my sewing machine more. I really enjoy sewing and need to make time for it.
5. Sort through all of my saved memorabilia from college and keep only that which is most important. I really love to scrapbook (little known Erin fact), but I need to buckle down and do it before all of my scraps pile up and suffocate me!
6. Write more cards and letters. I used to write cards all the time in college, but I haven't gotten back into the habit as thoroughly since returning from Ukraine.
7. Rent and watch the movies that are on my I-wanted-to-see-that-but-never-did list.
8. Order something other than my usual when at my favorite Mexican restaurants in Jackson (maybe not every time...maybe every other time. Y'all don't be too legalistic about this one with me!).
9. Finish a big puzzle.
10. Make a new friend. I know that sounds lame. I just need a goal to make sure I don't just become too comfortable with my status quo/become too Erin-focused.
11. Finish my time-intensive I'm-getting-married gift for my parents. :) This one actually has a deadline, I guess.

I'm hoping each one of these challenges me to stretch over this upcoming year. I want to guard against becoming too comfortable with going to work, eating, and getting too wrapped up with checking up on things in the virtual world. That's too great a temptation in our day and age. I want to make sure I stay connected to the actual, physical world. It's not always a terrible place to be, is it? We'll see how it goes!

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