Friday, January 7, 2011

Recap of 2010

Well, friends, I would try to make this post very media-filled and entertaining, but my computer is still sick and hanging out at the computer doctor's. However, I don't want to get too behind, so I thought I'd do a recap of 2010, picture-less though it may be. Let me see if I can get a good timeline going:

1. January 2010: Family was with me in Ukraine for New Year and Ukrainian Christmas! I also went through a terrible (but thankfully short) period of time during which I thought my favorite pizza place in Poltava had closed! Remember this? I also attempted (and succeeded) in making Chick-fil-a nuggets, as well as attempted (and failed) to wash a comforter in my European washing machine (here and here).

2. February 2010: I dealt with a LOT of snow and some rather blue, down-in-the-dumps-because-of-the-weather days. I also gave someone a perm! I just re-read my February blog entries from 2010 and realized that, while nothing shocking/startling/amazing happened, I did a lot of heart-searching and discovered many blessings from the Lord. It was a good read for me and a great reminder of His faithfulness to me. And made me realize just how much I thought about snow...

3. March 2010: Lots of volunteer teams! Auburn and Union brought groups of students, and a great time was had by all. I also made sushi with friends. Please note that I really dislike sushi. I like to think of myself as a trooper.

4. April 2010: I celebrated another wonderful Easter in Ukraine. I also attempted a vacation to England and Austria and was thwarted by the Icelandic volcano! However, I still had lots of great adventures with Elizabeth and the Rays.

5. May 2010: I celebrated my 25th birthday and was able to be at my sister's graduation. Amiee and I also encountered the weirdest string of events while trying to return to Poltava after graduation...

6. June 2010: Soccer clinics with a group from my home church. Never fear- I did not attempt to teach anyone how to play soccer. You're welcome, youth of Poltava. I was able to participate in one last AGM (company meeting) before finishing my time in Ukraine and was able to see lots of beloved places and people. I also had to say goodbye to my home (2008-2010). That was hard...

7. July 2010: July introduced all kinds of transitions and changes for me. I was quite overwhelmed for most of July, actually. The best part, though, was the spur-of-the-moment vacation my family too to Harry Potter's Wizarding World in Orlando. SO much fun! I also moved from Alabama to Tennessee. No biggie.

8. August 2010: I started my current job. The month of August was a great breaking-in period, since school wasn't yet in session. I had time to get settled into my office and job, as well as my house (with roommate, of course). Unfortunately, I also began encountering awkward, ex-pat returns sort of encounters like this.

9. September 2010: I fell in love with my job! It's just the best, and months later, I still love it. However, I sometimes run across days where this is all I can see. I also started attending the church that I currently attend and thoroughly enjoy. It's a little different, but it's great.

10. October 2010: Big month. One of my students endured a personal tragedy that was very sad and draining. In better news, though, Brad and I got engaged! We also staged proposal pictures (because we didn't have any from the night of...). Good end of the month, in my opinion.

11. November 2010: November was sort of a blur, work-wise. It was full of tutoring, paper editing, registering students, and beginning to prepare for my Spring trip to Ukraine (more to come on that...)! I was also able to spend my first Thanksgiving back in America. And welcome a new cousin into the world. :)

12. December 2010: ME and I decorated our house for Christmas! It was a very different experience than I've had for the past two years- my tree was taller than one foot, for starters. It was so nice to decorate like an American again. Brad and I began more serious wedding planning activities and have covered a lot of ground, even though it doesn't always feel like it. I was also able to visit Brad's family in East Tennessee, and some kind friends of my family threw Brad and me a Christmas shower! To top it all off, Alabama got 3 inches of snow on Christmas day. What in the world?? I took pictures and plan to post them, but that will depend on the health of my computer...alas.

I hope everyone had a great 2010 and was able to see the blessings in your lives. Can't wait to begin 2011 (even though, technically, we already have...I'm just behind in the blogging!)! I have less than four months left as a singlet. I hope I live and document it well!

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