Friday, January 14, 2011

I don't usually do trendy, but...

...I caved on this one thing.

I usually really protest at the thought of joining trendy ideas or movements. Examples:

1. Leggings. No way. That's not my style. They'll phase out again in, like, a second.

2. Coffee addictions and coffee shops. A. I don't like coffee. B. It's SO the thing to be into coffee and hanging out with the folksy indie musicians in coffee shops. People don't say, "Let's hang out!" as much as they say, "Let's get coffee!" For non-coffee lovers, that offer induces groaning.

3. Boots when it's not even cold. Don't get me wrong: I love boots. I lived in boots for half the year while in Ukraine. However, it seems a little silly to wear boots when there's no cold weather. It's counter-intuitive.

4. Running. Specifically running big races. I don't know when that became a thing, but it did. I hold no judgment on those who run, but it's definitely a trendy activity to be a part of.

One trend, however, that I resisted for a while and then- shockingly- succumbed to is......

ZUMBA! Read about it here. Now, I don't like exercise one bit. At all. I hate to sweat or for my body to start hurting in protest, but I was nearly harangued to death by co-workers, wanting me to join them in the Zumba classes offered at Union after work. I wasn't actually just not going for the sake of not going; I really did have legitimate evening activities for most week nights last semester. So, once Christmas holidays started for students but not for staff, I was a little less busy and could participate in Zumba.

I absolutely loved it! It's high-intensity cardio, but I promise you, I didn't realize how much I was sweating just because it was so. much. fun! The best part is that all of the "dance" moves can be modified by each person to make it less or more intense. Half of the ladies in my class are 40+. And they work it!

Y'all. It's awesome. Even if it IS trendy.


M & M said...

Amen to the coffee!
Been wanting to try the zumba-will have to wait until after Baby 2 is born.

bo said...

I haven't tried zumba due to lack of opportunity (read: funds) but I'll take your word for it. It's on my list for things to try when I get back to America.

I am trying ballroom dancing right now though . . . does that count?

Karen Tidwell said...

Dear Erin: This is shocking. One thing that was certain: Erin does not exercise! So, who knows what is next...better never say never to that cup of coffee or a 5K (I bet you could find a Run for God in your area).

Jennifer said...

Oh, Erin. I'm with you. I don't like trendy so much. I protest all the same things you do. Coffee shops - no way! Boots when it's not cold - why? And really, what's up with all the running!

So I'm reading your post and thinking, "amen, sista"...and went there!! Zumba!! No way, Erin, Erin, Erin. What have you done!! You know, you start with Zumba, and next thing you know you will be joining those Zumba girls for a mocha something in June with boots on! Run away now!! NO, don't run! Walk!!

I know that this is especially dramatic, but I'm up late with a fussy baby and in a dramatic mood. And well, this just struck a cord with me! B/C the whole Zumba thing is making me a wee bit crazy. I so protest it that I refuse to even watch the video!! :)

Nathan said...

zumba? you're being judged...